Tuesday, March 24, 2020

Tips For Maintaining Your First Impression - Introvert Whisperer

Introvert Whisperer / Tips For Maintaining Your First Impression - Introvert Whisperer Tips For Maintaining Your First Impression When it comes to beginning a new career, we all know the importance of making a first impression. From navigating the interview process to the often overwhelming first day, it can be difficult to find a balance between what society generally expects a professional image to be and something that shows off your own unique personality. Both are qualities viewed as important in the workplace, but as time goes on and you get more comfortable at your job, the level of care you put into your everyday look can start to dip. Here are some tips to keep in mind when you’re looking to both establish but also maintain a strong professional image. Be Better Than The Dress Code In 2019, it is not uncommon to find a place of employment with a “relaxed” dress code. The days of mandatory 3-piece suits and long dresses are fading fast. Younger companies or startups, may be perfectly ok with their employees showing up to work in jeans, t-shirts, leggings, or tank-tops. As beneficial as this can be for creating a casual and comfortable work environment, it can also cause the employees to feel more casual about the work they’re doing, sparking a lack of reverence for their job and quality of work. It also makes it easier for you to stand out. No matter what your company’s dress code, it’s always a good idea to go above and beyond. Consider the clothes you wore to your interview as a basis for what your work wardrobe should be. The interview is most likely where you’ll attempt to look the most professional, so it’s a good starting point for crafting the image you’ll want to be projecting in your day-to-day. Maybe you do prefer a more casual look or something in between. As long as you stay a cut above of the standard, you are sure to make the impression you’re shooting for. Embrace Your Halo The “halo effect” is a cognitive bias in the human brain which lets our overall impression of a person dictate how we feel about their character. Basically saying that if a person looks nice, we are likely to assume that they are, in fact, nice. While this may not always be true, it can surely be utilized as a tool to gain a positive reputation in the workplace. To take advantage of the automatic goodwill generated by the halo effect, you must focus on your appearance beyond clothing. Clear skin, trimmed nails, full and clean hair, are all qualities that your co-workers can, and will notice. Enhancing these grooming details will go a long way to boost your overall image, so it’s worth it to go the extra mile. Whether you’re trying out a new facial cleanser, or investing in hair loss treatments, developing a self-care routine will not only help you stand out at work but is also good for your overall levels of confidence and personal wellness. Professionalism A professional image is more than your appearance. All too often, the demeanor that one is taught to project during the interview process is thrown away after a few weeks on the job. Once comfort sets in, it can be easy to slip into your everyday mannerisms, which may or may not be suitable for your chosen profession. Manners, punctuality, a professional attitude these things matter. Especially when you consider that 85% of people believe a co-workers ability to be courteous has an effect on their career prospects. Believe it or not, there are still people out there who don’t see how their unprofessional behavior can negatively affect their co-workers. It should always be your goal to ensure you are not seen or thought of in this way. And you don’t have to be an extrovert in order to project a positive attitude in your work environment. Something as simple as a nod and smile from one employee to another can be enough to show that you’re a courteous, positive, person, deserving of recognition. Author Bio: Capri Fiello is a strong advocate for professional health and wellness. She believes that positivity and proactive self-care are the keys to success in career, relationships, and life. Go to top Bottom-line â€" I want to help you accelerate your career â€" to achieve what you want by connecting you with your Free Instant Access to my 4 Building Blocks to Relationships eBookâ€" the backbone to your Networking success and fantastic work relationships.  Grab yours by visiting here right now! Brought to you by Dorothy Tannahill-Moran â€" dedicated to unleashing your professional potential. Introvert Whisperer

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